Learn about Intellectual Property Rights – Law

Raw Business Law


One of the most important things in intellectual property is to understand the value of an idea or an invention. Lets take one of the most prominent ideas in the history of mankind the personal computer. It is well known that the idea of personal computer was rejected at first. IBM was dominating the market and they considered the PC to be a failure. Xerox instead developed stuff like Operation System and even the first mouse in one of its labs. But the executives were too focused on copying machines and also rejected the project. All the inventions fell into the hands of Steve Jobs and he released the first Mac. The market basically exploded and today we have a PC in almost every home. Xerox hasnt received ad dollar, because the patents were not made at the required moment.

Before moving to ways of protecting intellectual property at first…

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Breaking the News to the Kids about the Decision to Divorce

Jayne L. Brayer Attorney P.C

So many clients, friends and family have shared their experiences on that first talk.  While no two stories are the same, there is no easy way to tell your children that you and your spouse have decided to split, there is one scenario I have seen that is certain to hurt your children.

                               “Its Not My Fault”


In this situation, where one parent is unfaithful to the other, it is only natural to feel hurt, betrayed and angry.   The faithful spouse does not want the children to blame him or her for the sins of the cheating spouse.  Assume it is the father who was unfaithful.  It usually plays out like this:

Mother: Kids, your Father and I have something to tell you.

Kids:  What?

Mother:  We are getting a divorce.

Kids:  (sobbing uncontrollably) BUT…

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Negotiating Severance at the End of Employment

Best Employment Attorney Blog


In today’s very mobile economy, most employees work for several employers during their careers.  As one job ends, often employers are open to paying a severance to the departing employee.  The primary reason an employer will offer severance is to thank the departing employee for his or her dedicated service to the business.  In some of those cases, the severance package will be offered at the beginning of employment.  Those types of severance packages may be individual agreements or part of a company written policy.  In other cases, the employer has neither a written nor an unwritten policy but is still willing to offer severance.

Another reason employers offer severance is to buy peace.  Every employer who gives severance will require the employee to sign a release.  In other words, in exchange for the severance money, the employee signs away his or her rights to sue for violations of the…

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How to avoid legal problems in business

Law Office of David Steinfeld

Running a business, large or small, requires a good degree of business acumen and planning.  Business owners regularly review their marketing plans, inventory, and their customers to adjust themselves to an ever-changing market.  But how do you avoid legal problems that can plague a business and drain its resources?  One easy word; planning.

Too often business owners are lulled into believing that their legal documents, such as contracts, non-competes, and even their lease, are working just fine.  The old adage, “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it”, doesn’t apply well to legal documents because only the trained legal mind of a qualified business lawyer truly knows whether the documents are working as they were intended.  Thus, scheduling regular reviews of a business’ legal documents with your attorney is a good idea to reduce problems later.

One important legal concept for business owners to discuss with counsel is their liability exposure. …

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Federal Overtime Rules: Employers Fasten Seat Belts

Human Resources Legislation Blog

employment law Calling income inequality the “defining challenge of our time,” President Obama has been a powerful advocate of expanding government aid to lower and middle-income households.

He has urged support for housing, education, food stamps, unemployment insurance and, his signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act, which commits $1 trillion over ten years to expand Medicaid and provide subsidies to help pay health insurance premiums.

A key part of the strategy has been to boost incomes of the working poor—those who work full-time but don’t earn enough to make ends meet.

Minimum Wage Increase—

One of the President’s new initiatives has been legislation to increase the federal minimum wage—from $7.25 an hour to $10.10. Someone working full-time at today’s minimum wage earns only about $14,500 a year. A $10.10 per hour minimum wage would represent a 40% increase, to $20,200,

Congressional Republicans so far have been cool to the idea, citing a…

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Fashion Trends, Religion and the Law: How Religious Beliefs Can Affect an Employer’s Dress Code Policies

A must read for employers!

HVW Tax & Business Law Blog

Recent news reports suggest that men wearing beards, a trend recently experiencing a renaissance, may have peaked and the trend may now revert to a more clean shaven look.  While trends in beard growing, like all fashion, tend to run in cycles, employers are often left scrambling to adopt dress and grooming codes to accommodate the changing trends.  One issue that often lurks just below the surface of dress code policies is “what if the dress – or grooming – of an employee is driven by religious beliefs?”  That is, what if the beard that the employee is wearing is not merely a sign of his fashion sense, but instead a requirement of his religion?

Recently, the EEOC provided guidance on “religious garb and grooming in the workplace.”  The EEOC reminds employers, in most cases, they “are required … to make exceptions to their usual rules or preferences to permit…

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5 Best Ways To Get Out Of Your Bankruptcy Rut

Some great advice from a fellow firm!

Page, Lobo, Costales & Preston

If you have made the decision to file for Bankruptcy, you can start making an effort to repair your credit and get back on track.

The financial decisions you make after you file will impact how fast your credit can improve.

  1. Check your credit. Within a few months of your finalization of bankruptcy, check to make sure your credit reports have discharged your debts and closed accounts are properly reported. You can request one free report per year from each of the three major credit-reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion).
  2. Start a budget. You need to get your spending on track and under control. Check out our article on setting up a budget. If money is tight you may want to get an extra part time job and use that paycheck to jump start an emergency savings fund for any unexpected financial hardships. Another smart move is an emergency…

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